Facts you may not know about horoscopes

Facts you may not know about horoscopes
1. Aries: love a challenge and will do their utmost to prevent the ending of a relationship.

2. Taurus: problems can occur if neither Taurus nor Scorpio are willing to back down or compromise.

3. Gemini: Gemini and Gemini have a very good chance of having a long term fulfilling relationship together.

4. Cancer: will always offer a sympathetic ear to those that need it.

5. Leo: Leo’s perfect match Aries & Sagittarius.

6. Virgo: introverted Virgo will shy from interaction whereas enthusiastic Sagittarius lives life to the full.

7. Libra: is more family orientated and home loving and may want to settle down sooner than Aquarius.

8. Scorpio: problems can occur if neither Taurus nor Scorpio is willing to back down or compromise.

9. Sagittarius: the spiritual goal of Sagittarius is to use their talents to guide others.

10. Capricorn: once Capricorn has chosen the right partner, they will be faithful and true for life.

11. Aquarius: appreciates the loving, loyal and affectionate Cancer.

12. Pisces: can grow frustrated with Gemini, showing two different sides of their personality.

Facts you may not know about horoscopes

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