Cabritoz Mandi & Haneeth restaurant address and number

Cabritoz Mandi & Haneeth is an Emirati restaurant in Dubai that serves traditional dishes like Cabritoz, Haneeth, Kabab, Mandi and many more.

The restaurant is located on Umm Soqeim Road East, Barsha 2, Dubai.

Their delivery number is 800 62634 (MANDI)

Below are photos of some of Cabritoz Mandi & Haneeth restaurant dishes.

Cabritoz Mandi & Haneeth restaurant address and number

Cabritoz Mandi & Haneeth restaurant address and number

Cabritoz Mandi & Haneeth restaurant address and number

Cabritoz Mandi & Haneeth restaurant address and number

Cabritoz Mandi & Haneeth restaurant address and number

Cabritoz Mandi & Haneeth restaurant address and number

Cabritoz Mandi & Haneeth restaurant address and number

Cabritoz Mandi & Haneeth restaurant address and number

Cabritoz Mandi & Haneeth restaurant address and number

Cabritoz Mandi & Haneeth restaurant address and number

Cabritoz Mandi & Haneeth restaurant address and number

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